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Love Calculator

Online Love Calculator helps you to calculate the chance of a successful relationship between you and your lover, and find out if the relationship will work out.
Please enter the two names to calculate the chance of a successful relationship between them. Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of any kind that a relationship will or will not work out, please do not take the results of this love calculator too seriously.
  • Name1:
  • Name2:

No matter what score you get, it is recommended that you take a look at the suggestions below, which are all time-tested suggestions on building and maintaining a successful relationship.

1. Honesty:

Honesty is the foundation of any successful relationship. Sometimes it could be tough to be honest, but it is definitely necessary. As the famous saying goes, love is nothing without truth.

2. Respect:

We all feel hurt when being disrespected, especially by lovers. A relationship goes nowhere in absence of mutual respect.

3. Communication:

Speak openly, listen truly. Differences lead to conflicts, solve them as soon as they arise, avoiding them will only make things worse.

4. Understanding:

No one is perfect, accept your lovers as they are, stop expecting how they should be. Everyone has ups and downs, understand and help your lovers to go through their bad times.


There is no guarantee of any kind that a relationship will or will not work out, please do not take the results of this love calculator too seriously.

More Information: More about Love